Thursday, September 6, 2012

Waiting on the court...

See title. Helping a friend out.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Waiting number #1

Waiting for my girl friend to get done with whatever doctory thing she is doing.
They have a wonderful poster explaining interior something or other

Sunday, September 2, 2012

New challenge

I think that every time I get bored and have to wait, I am going to post.
Have to be waiting.
Have to comment on something I see.
Can finish it later if need be.
Can repeat.

More to come....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What the hell, im just a bit late....

Okay, so Both my computers decided to die at the same time... How convenient... Not like I have a life or work too do... Or ya know update a blog or anything. Not to mention relationship woes.. But I guess everyone has their moments. Just another Freakin wonderful day. Plus being on called at 0-Dark-hundred (for you civilians, before 600 AM, and yes there is such a thing...) and getting a phone call for a damn inop printer. Heaven forbidden you should print a your freakin plane ticket in color in the morning... Oh well Just another day.

But I recently heard some good tunes, thanks to a friend I met during deployment (and the one who pimped my myspace....). Now I got to go setup my stereo....

At least the weekend was pretty decent. I think I only got slightly toasted. Just enough that I could make fun of the other peoples dancing on the table.... and falling off.... on camera =).

Stupid absinthe, why are you sooo good and evil at the same time. For those of you that haven't tried absinthe, its a wonderful form of alcohol Just it leads to drunken mayhem and chaos, with a slightly skewed perspective.

"After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally you see things as they really are, which is the most horrible thing in the world." - Oscar Wilde

The most horrible thing is that your glass is empty.... And the bottle... and the bars ten steps too far away....

I am not an Alcoholic.... I don't go to meetings.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

And the world goes around....

Today I am the courageous defender of common sense!
I lay the smack down on those stupider then me, and bring ignorance to its Knees.
I am the all powerful portrayer of truth justice and my way.

So when I woke up I realized I still had to go to work.

Just one more annoying day in which all service rendered is completely taken for granted. But the small perks of the job are that I do get to abuse those whom I outrank AS long as I'm doin sumthin else for someone of Higher rank. I love to play the system. Or at least think I'm playin the systems, heh.

Good Night, stay safe from stupid or I will find you!