Wednesday, January 24, 2007

OMG the stupidy IT BURNS!

Okay, now im not the type of person to say lay blame anywhere but where it should go. And I am the first one to admit that I messed up. But when you give me a deadline that has already past for a project that wasnt relayed to me. WTF over? I don't have the time nor the patience( okay so I never really had any patience to begin with) for that kinda of kindergarden a$$hat behaviour.

On a completely different note....
Todays random comment is:

We dont need a plan. A plan involes work. We need a mission statement. No work involved.

Yet another note..... (ADD or whatever the name is)
Well I sear to god someone is workin on myspace. Mebbe I actually use the damn thing. Prolly not though =). Oh well.

And the only comment that matters is....

Two more days till the weekend. It cant come fast enough.

P.S. Ill post a picture of it later......;.

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